Pokémon USA: Episode 1
by: Terry Tibke

The morning was like most, warm and sunny. The sky was as it usually is, a dingy yellowed glow, and Seth was as he usually was..... LATE!

"DARNIT! I'm late for training with Mr. Davison!"

He sprung from his bed and raced to the bathroom. He ran past the poster of Dragonfire on his door and into the bathroom. Washing up and running downstairs he ran past his breakfast and his dad and mom who were on their way out as well.

"Seth! Don't forget your breakfast!" called his dad.

Seth was already in the garage. He grabbed his jacket, skateboard and his single Pokeball and hopped on his skateboard off to his first day of class...


Seth rolled up to the front of the Mr. Davison's school where several other Pokemon Trainers gathered to begin their training. Only a select few were allowed to be a part of Mr. Davison's school.

"Hey Seth... what's up?"

Seth was one of the few, but his friend Mark Seav was chosen by Mr. Davison as well. Mark had been Seth's friend since they were very young and they had both always wanted to be Pokemon Trainers. They had both received their first Pokeball in the mail in an unmarked box several weeks ago and they had discussed several times how they would catch their Pokemon in it. They'd even gone out to try and find wild Pokemon.... Unsucessfuly of course. Mark's wallet chain clanked as he stood from leaning against the railing and walked towards Seth.

"You ready for this?" He gave a smile.

"Of course I am! I've been waiting all of my life to be a Pokemon Trainer... you know that!" replied Seth with excitement.

"Who's that guy?" asked Seth. At that moment, a blonde haired kid with his nose in the air and a sweater tied around his shoulders was approaching the lawn of the school. Several girls looked his direction with that twinkle in their eye. You know the one. Next to the tall blonde boy was another more stocky kid. He had dark black hair and wore a letterman's jacket from California Redwood High School and he had a rather dim look in his eyes.

"Some guys from CRH... the blonde one's Randall King though. The son of Aldritch King, that rich dude." Replied Mark slowly.

Seth then looked over to the corner where a girl stood by herself. She was reading a book and paid very little attention to the rest of the crowd. Moments later the man who had invited them all there appeared in the doorway of the school.

It was Mr. Davis. He looked out over the gathering of students he had carefully chosen to be in his first Pokemon Trainer class. It didn't show, but he was slightly nervous. Nobody had ever created a school of
this nature in America. He was confident however, that he could teach these students. He cleared his voice and began speaking.

"Good morning class. It is good to see you all here. In a few moments I will lead you out to the field behind the school. Over the course of the next year you will become very familiar with the Training Fields. When I say go, take the Pokeballs that I've sent each of you and catch your first Pokemon."

The crowd gathered grew into a dull whispering noise as Mr. Davis turned to head through the hall into the back of the school building itself to lead the students onto the Training Fields.

Seth whispered to Mark, "Wow! My first Pokemon! I wonder what I'll catch? I wanna catch a Psybbit!"

Mark snickered, "How do you expect to catch a Psybbit!? They don't stay in one place long enough to catch!"

"True. It'll be hard. But I'm gonna do it!" spoke Seth confidently.

Across the field, Randall spoke in low tones to his friend. "Allen. Do you have the Pokeballs my father bought for me?"

"Sure do! We're gonna steal a bunch of them Pokemon!" He begins to raise his voice.

"Shut up!" says Randall as he slams Allen Wilson, the football player, across the back of the head.


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