Pokémon City #016 - Pokémon Challenge Finale
(Pokémon, related elements ™,© 1995-2000 Creatures/GAME FREAK/Nintendo.)
Art, storylines by Robert H. Magnusson

"Hope this works..."

Marrilyn was preparing for her last ditch effort just as Spiro was flipping up the switch guard. "De-evolution beam fully armed... preparing to fire." The room was charged with a brilliant glow by now as Lyn stared into the massive light...

"FIRE!" In a heartbeat, Marrilyn's tail shot out and sprayed a concentrated blast of water at the beam with enough force to move the beam upward, so instead of firing at her, it fired straight ahead, through the room's window, just wide of Spiro...


"SANDRA! HIT THE DECK!!!" Tartaruga and his men had already began to run, but Sandra was frozen with fear as the beam headed straight for her...

At the last moment, Chue rushed out and lept straight into her, shoving her out of the way and onto the floor. Sandra immediately pushed Chue off her, got up, and glowered at him... then smiled.

"Nice SAVE, shrimp, but WHY?"

"You're not going ANYWHERE until we finish our fight!!"

Tartaruga, whom the beam had narrowly missed, only gasped.


Moments later, Sandra and Chue were back in battle, with Marrilyn freed just long enough to see her friend fall in battle. Although Chue had managed a few strong attacks, Sandra clearly had him cornered.

"FACE it, Mouseboy, you CAN'T beat me!"

"Just not with ELECTRICITY!..." Chue smiled and got down on all fours as a wave of energy swept over his body, sparking with power...

Tartaruga frowned. "NOW what?! Don't tell me your friend is evolving already...!"

"No - he's using his power to radically boost his physical strength!"

In an instant, Chue, fully charged, shot toward Sandra like a rocket, slamming into her full force and hard against the wall. Sandra's quills were driven deep into the wall, suspending her several inches over the floor, and would have made her vulnerable to another attack had the force of Chue's power not already knocked her unconscious.

"Well, that's THAT... sorry, Sandra."


"PERCY! SPIRO! KRÜEHLER! *STOP* THEM!!" Marrilyn had taken advantage of the shock of Chue's victory to break loose from Krüehler's tentacles, and escaped into the outer room of the headquarters, where Chue was waiting for her. The two stood back to back as the Rocket minions prepared to attack...

"I hope you saved enough ENERGY, Chue!"

"Oh, man, did I EVER...!"

Next: And In The End...


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