Fighting/Colorless Deck (by

Well, this deck took me about 2 weeks to make. I needed all the right card and constantley tested it. Now I beleive that it is perfect (almost).

4 Machop (The best basic pokemon that can evolve)
2 Machoke (I would replace him with two breeders if I had em' , he sucks)
1 Machamp (Ultimate fighting machine)
3 Hitmonchan (heavy, HEAVY hitter)
2 Dratini (for dragonair)
2 Dragonair (to disrupt the enermy with hyper beam)
2 Farfetch'd (a chance of 30 damage on the first turn, and potsmash rules)
1 Tauros (nice fast attcker)
1 Scyther (colorless attack, can use em' in any deck, free retreat cost and a res.)
1 Chansey (to stall)

3 Bill (for obvious resons)
2 Gust of Wind (to take out a weak pokemon and kill it)
2 Energy Removal (to stall and disrupt)
1 Super Energy Removal (like above)
2 Computer Search (to find what I need)
1 Scoop Up (For chansey mainly)
1 Professor Oak (in case I need it)
2 Plus Powers (to kill quicker)

The point of this deck is to kill quickly, thats why the plus powers are there. Hitmonchan could kill a weak basic in one shot with a plus power. Also GOW helps you kill the weak pokemon on the bench. Scoop up lets me use Chansey again. Also, the comp search helps me get whatever I need. The Bills are great too, good card drawing power. Dragonair and energy removals are to stall and leave the enemy helpless while I attack them without mercy. The scyther adds variety and it can be used in any deck, free retreat is awsome. Also to get those fighting pokemon. Tauros is nice too, very fast and can do up to 70 damage.

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