Classic Haymaker (by: Philippe Van Lieu):
4 Hitmonchan
4 Electabuzz
4 Scyther
2 Scoop Up
2 Item Finder
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Bill
2 Professor Oak
4 Plus Power
3 Gust of Winds
11 Electric Energy
11 Fighting Energy
The premise is simple. Knock the crud out of your opponent.
ER/SER is used to stall your opponent. Scoop Ups heal damaged Pokémon. Gust of Wind helps toss out those pesky Mr. Mimes and Damage Swapers.
The rest is simple.
Customize! Low on rare Pokémon? Replace Hitmonchan and Electabuzzes with Jynxs and Fossil Magmars (adjust Energy accordingly).