Infinite Energy Stall Deck (by Jimmy Cannon)
Psychic Pokémon:
4 Slowpoke
3 Abra
2 Kadabra
1 Jynx
1 Mr. Mime
Grass Pokémon:
1 Scyther
3 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
4 Potion
4 Super Potion
2 Revive
4 Energy Search
3 Energy Retrieval
3 Gambler
1 Scoop Up
2 Mr. Fuji
10 Grass Energy
10 Psychic Energy
Put a Pokémon on your bench, and before you run out of cards, Mr. Fuji them back into your deck. Plus by using Slowpokes' Scavenge attack, you can retrieve old trainers. That'll prevent cards from running out of your deck infinitly. Use the Energy Retrievals to brink old Energy back after having to discard it from Slowpoke. Then use Scavenge to get the Retrievals back. See? Infinite Energy, infinate Deck! You'll never draw out again!