Classic Wigglytough (by: Philippe Van Lieu):
Colorless Pokémon:
4 Jigglypuff
4 Wigglytuff
4 Rattata
4 Spearow
4 Fearow
Grass Pokémon:
3 Scyther
3 Bill
2 Professor Oak
1 Gambler
3 Computer Search
4 Gust of Wind
4 PlusPower
4 Double Colorless Energy
16 Grass Energy
It's Wigglytuff madness! You use it to knock out all sorts of Pokémon with ease. Got a full bench and 3 energy? You got 60 damage with Wigglytuff. I'll knock you down and toss you out the door.
The Pokémon are generallyused for their free retreat costs. Rattata's are used for starting Pokémon and bench sitters. Fearows for their Agility attack, and their resistance to Fighting since the other half of the Pokémon in the deck are weak to Fighting.
Gusts for taking out pesky other bench warmers or to take "Evil Hypno" (from the Team Rocket edition, it's very lethal to Wigglytuff) out of your hair for a while.