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Pokémon Aaah! Forums

Dig it! Stop by the official Pokémon Aaah! forums and join the discussion!

It is important for you to read these rules!!


Language Content:
• Keep your posts clean. Don't say things here that you won't say in front of your grand-parents.
• Please, don't refer to anything Japanese as "Jap". It's just as offensive to the Japanese as the "N-Word" is to people of African decent. (You know what "N-word" I'm talking about.) If you on pain-and-death NEED to abreviate "Japanese", use JPN.

Post Content:
• Try to keep the posts on topic. Don't start talking about Charizard, then trail off on how life sucks.
• Don't post topics that aren't related to Pokémon, Pokémon Aaah!, or anything along those lines. This includes any spam, slander, mud slinging (particularly mug slinging of other Pokémon web sites), and money making schemes.
DON'T post unrequested links to other web pages or forums. They will be deleted on sight.
• If you don't know the answer something, then don't post a reply that says you don't know. If anything, ask what the thing is.
• Don't reply to considerably old posts (defination: anything past on any page 2). If there's something important you need to say, make a New Topic.
• Don't post fake cards in any forum except for "Fake Card Mania!".
• Please don't make "testing" posts outside of the "Test Center". If you do, delete them when you're done.
DO NOT plot and scheme any stupid plan on PA! forum property (ie. a spam attack on another forum). If you do, you are subject to being BANNED.

Member Behavior:
• Be calm and curtious to each other. I don't want a flame war here!
• If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.
• We expect the members here to think with their heads and not with your mouth. DO NOT do any thing stupid at this forum.

Other Rules:
• Also realize that any of the posts on the board becomes property of Pokémon Aaah!. But don't think of this as a bad thing, just that if any new info is posted, we can post it on our page (don't worry, full credit goes to the original post writer).
• If you have any questions, ask the Moderators before asking me (Nick15). That's what they're there for. If there is no Moderator, then you may ask me.
• And you should accept the fact that I might not be at the Forums to answer all of your questions. So don't rip my neck off if I don't reply to any questions.
• The more you ask to a moderator or admin, then the less of a chance you'll be come one.

If these rules can be summed up into one handy sentence, it'll be:

Basically don't do anything bad, and nothing will go wrong.

Also remember dudes, if things get out of control, I can delete posts and ban users. I don't want to have to resort to banning users, so keep things in order.

If you're ready, then you may:

Enter the Pokémon Aaah! Forum!

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Text and Information © 1999-2000 by Philippe Van Lieu and/or respectible partners.
This website is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK, or Wizards of the Coast.