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The Internet vs. Nick15 (November 2nd, 2000)

Posted by: Nick15

PA! v4.6.2


For sometime now, I've had TWO different internet connections with out ISP (internet service provider), Pacbell. One of them is a regular 56K internet connection, the one that I use to update this site AND check my email with. The other is a DSL line, which we use for this Nick15.com web server.

However, this may all change, and this change directly effects Pokémon Aaah!.

I'm right now in a dispute with PacBell. PacBell says we made $1,600 worth of internet dialups over the past month and a half on our 56K internet line. My family says we didn't, and we have evidence to back up our claim. So since we didn't make those calls, we refuse to pay for a bill we did not make.

Now since we won't be paying that $1,600 internet bill, PacBell will eventually cut off our 56K internet connection. It'll stay disconnected until either we do pay it or a compromise is made.... IF we make a compromise.

It's doubtful that we will work something out with PacBell. So my family has decided to switch ISPs for both our 56K internet connection and our DSL internet connection from PacBell to something else. We don't know what though.

...So what does this mean? Updates for PA! will be stopped since I won't have an internet connection for long until we get a new one. PLUS, I won't be able to send or receive any emails from you. This really sucks for me, because I do read all the emails I get and there are a number of you which I need to email.

Now Pokémon Aaah! and Nick15.com will still be up for sometime until our DSL internet connection is disconnected. We will work hard to try to find a new ISP for the Nick15.com web server. This switch will be the least troublesome for me, since all I need to do is sign-up with a new ISP's DSL service and get our Nick15.com domain name set up through them.

This server switch effects those of you who've signed up with Nick15.com Hosting. Let me assure you, your sites WILL NOT be deleted. They just won't be active for a while.

Don't worry though, PA! is NOT dead. No no, far from it. It's just on hiatus for the moment while all this stuff settles. I will still be updating this site for a few more days before our service is disconnected. Then when all the dust settles, I'll be back updating PA! again.

I'd try to find a replacement webmaster, however that won't be possible since this server will be down while we make our ISP switch. Grrrrrrr.....

That's just about all that I have to say on this matter. Remember PA! is NOT dead. I still have plans for the site, so I'm not going to kill it off just yet.


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