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Reminders |
Join the Pokemon Aaah! Forums! Dig the hot topics there and the friendly people you'll meet. Whoo! Just click here to join the forums! |
Take part in the Neo Genesis Print Run Study! Click here for more details. |
Power & the Internet vs. Click here for more details. |
Tuesday, March 6th, 2001 |
Posted by: Nick15 |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: |
OK, One For the Road |
Fake Cards - 12:30 PM PST |
OK, I suppose I can make one for make for you. Today's cards is Gligar.
AAAAHHHH! MY FACE!!! (^_^) Hee hee hee, this is another one of Nick15's rather interesting and all togehter original ideas. Much like Rocket's Drowzee, Gligar here is ANIMATED (although it's a movie file). I don't think the animation is all that good, but I think a lot of you kids out there will like it. Heh. .... Oh, and you need Quicktime 4 to view the movie. As for the card itself, it seems pretty balanced to me. One attack, 2 energy doing 30 damage and auto poison (with self damage), wrapped up in a rather low 60 HP? Basically balanced. Oh yeah, and I forgot to add the "-30" Resistance again. But oh well, it's not a ground shaking error. Hardly worth mentioning. OK, THIS is the last one I'm going to do for a while, at least until PA!5 is done (which could be up by this weekend [hint hint]). |
Fake Card Skills Update |
Other News - 12:30 PM PST |
Well, it turns out that all this time, the REAL Pokémon TCG font is actually GILL SANS and NOT Humanist 521. But they're so alike, no one would have really noticed. .... Anyway, expect a font package update sometime soon. |
Monday, March 5th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
US! Comments: P.S. - Go see Recess: School's Out! I didn't wanna see it in the first place but after seeing it I realized that it was a cool movie. Nick15 sez: Don't forget to check out yesterday's fakes! |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
TEN, Yes that's right TEN new fake cards for ya'll today. Enjoy em' all! Today's cards are Electabuzz, Miltank, Dragonite, Celebi, Porygon2, Lugia, Ho-oh, Tauros, Porygon and Onix
Ahhh! There are just too many cards to talk about. So I'll make one general statement about all of em....THEY ALL RULE!. There, that should cover it. |
Attack Archive Update |
Site News - 12 Midnight PST |
Jeez Louise! I have gotten soooo many emails with attacks that I just can't add em all! I added the coolest attacks I saw though. Remember! If you have any original attacks that you want to have featured in the Attack Archive then please send them to Not everyone's attacks will make it into the archive but there is a good chance that they will. Also, I ask that you send your attacks categorized so I just can cut and past from your email. |
New "Tournament" Set |
TCG Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Sometime in the near future Wizards of the Coast will be releasing a new "Tournament" set. This set will include 151 ORIGINAL cards. I think that WoTC will just pick random cards from the vending card sets. There isn't much information about this set but you can expect to see it on PA! as soon as it becomes available. Until then this set shall remain shrouded in mystery. This set is slated for an April, 2001 release. I believe that this is Alias of Base Set #3. |
Gameboy Advance Pokemon Edition |
GB Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Why does Pokemon always get their own special gameboy? Why doesn't Nintendo give poor Mario or Link their own special Gameboy....this question along with the number of licks it takes to get the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop shall NEVER be answered. According to, a special addition Game Boy Advance is planned to be released in the Pokemon Center in Tokyo and the other Pokemon Center in Osaka on March 21. The cover is blue (to represent Suicine). And there is a Pichu and Pikachu on the cover (Must they always use Pichu and Pikachu). This special GBA will cost about 9,800 Yen which is 80$ US. |
More of Nick15's Mayakashi Cards |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
3 more from this set makes a total of 13 fake cards on PA! today. Fairly close to the record! ... Which is... uhm.... uh... I forgot. Either way, the record will be broken once more at some point... Today's cards are Crobat, Slugma, and Magcargo.
Well, to sort of make up for yesterday's semi-lack of cards, I bring you 3 today. Whoo! Crobat, another one of my Weakness switchers. Unlike other flying poison cards, this one has a weakness to Electric insteaf od psychic. Whoo! .... Now game wise, it has a mah-volous use.... anti-poison! Actually, if it's poisoned, you get to remove counters rather than put them on (Text Ruling Change: For ever 1 damage counter you would put on Crobat while it's poisoned, you may instead take 1 off. That way you can take 2 counters off if Base Nidoking used it's Toxic attack on it.) Then it's Double Poison attack can make Crobat poison itself, which just adds on to the fun. ;) Well worth it's holo rarity. With Slugma, picture wise, I wanted to try something different. Rather than a glop of orange paste, I make it look like it was really molten lava (to the best of my ability). I don't think it came out well though. .... The Slug-cargo set abuses the new "Char" counter to it's very limits. Spit has an auto-char effect. No damage though. Flare Up is useful for Magcargo, as you'll soon find out. First though.... Magcargo didn't look all that good totally black with molten parts, so I decided to make it looks like a molten pile of orange Kool-Aid like how it's regularly drawn. Now for the game part.... Magcargo's Flamethrower attack makes wonderful use of Slugma's Flare Up attack. Build up energy, and burn away your opponent! And if that's not annoying, check out the Cinderksplosion attack (prounounced: sin-derk-splow-shun). Auto-char for ALL your opponent's Pokémon. Ok, so Magcargo nukes itself in the process, but it'll drive your opponent nuts! Not so much from all the damage flying around... but all the coin flipping too! Oh the madness! Mwahahahahhaahahah! [slight pause] I've had my fun... Oh on a side note, PA!5 is about 80% done. Whooo! I hope to have it up sometime soon. And on that day too, there'll be a really cool fake surprize. And only I know what it is. ;) .... But also, since I'm working my bottom off on PA!5, I'm going to stop making fakes again. I know, it's too soon, but my energy is being focused on getting PA!5 done and finished so that I can get busy on other projects. Sla. Ok, bye now! |
Sunday, March 4th, 2001 |
Posted by: Nick15 |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: |
S'More Fakes |
Fake Cards - 3:30 PM PST |
Wheee! Energy! Today's cards are Evil Energy and Steel Energy.
Energy cards. No comment. |
A Tribute to the Late Webmaster of |
Other News - 3:30 PM PST |
If you didn't know already, Dominence (aka Digital Anthrax) of had died in a tragic motor bike accident at the age of 14. Although I question what a 14 year old is doing on a motor bike, it doesn't mask the fact that people are suffering from a lot of pain at their loss. Now there is a tribute page up at, I think it would be nice of you to sign the guestbook and express your feelings about his death. |
Saturday, March 3rd, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: Nick15 Sez: Fakes will be up later today, I hope. |
MORE Fakes |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
2 More Fakes! We are rapidly approaching the completion of the X Expansion. I am already planning the Voyagers Expansion which is about 78 Cards. The Voyagers
Expansion You can expect all these
cards to be absolutely perfect! I might even break out a
pencil and draw (I am a crappy artist). Today's cards are
Skarmony and Donphan.
Skarmony's Pokemon Power is really great because it has the ability to do actual damage. Next time I do a Pokemon Power I will be sure that I use my creative mind to make a really super-keen effect. ^_^ If you saw Pokemon: The First Movie then you should know what rolling thrash is. Rolling Thrash has the potential to do up to 60 Damage but can do some damage to itself. |
Attack Archive Update |
Other Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Wow, after one day I already start getting emails loaded with original attacks. I got an email from also known as Draconis at the PA! forums. I also got some super-keen attacks from Remember! If you have any original attacks that you want to have featured in the Attack Archive then please send them to |
English Promo Entai! |
TCG Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Hmmm! Thanks to SoSlowpoke for this tidbit. Wizards finally releases an image of Movie Promo Entai. Here it is! Oh but first, Wizards confirmed that the next League promo will be Pichu (most likely Neo 2 Binder Pichu). And now here's Entai. Basic
Pokémon Pokémon
Power: Bolt - Whenever your opponent's attack
damages Entai, unless that attack Knocks Out Entai,
flip a coin. If heads, shuffle Entai and all cards
attached to it into your deck. This power can't be
used if Entai is already Asleep, Confused, or
Paralyzed when it is damaged.
damage |
15+ Reinstated to the STS! |
Other Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Hmmmm.... well, we'll find out sooner or later. Here's what Dark Master Trainer Mike of the 'Gym had to say about this: To 15 and up Pokemon Trading Card Game fans, Don't believe me? Go here: |
Friday, March 2nd, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX & Nick15 |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... PMX's Comments: Nick15's
Comments: Also I should mention.... whoo! PA!'s not only the site with the best fake cards, but also the best fake cards... twice a day! Only at PA! can you have TWICE the Ledyba cards on the same day. |
Fakes Galore |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Cha Ching! I got two new fakes for y'all today. Today's cards are Ledyba and Pikachu Doll.
Ledyba's Creepy Crawler attack is really great for a basic Pokemon because it can do up to 40 damage. Unfortunately it only has 50 HP which makes it susceptible to high damage attacks. Pikachu Doll is just another Clefairy Doll / Fossil impersonation only this baby has 20 HP. I never saw any point in these types of cards except to stall the game. And as for the picture.....I know, its VERY sad. Check Back tomorrow and I will have Skarmony and Donphan. Also, I have some artwork to add to the Picture Gallery. |
Attack Archive Update |
Other Info - 12 Midnight PST |
It looks like some people
actually like the Attack archive ! I got an email from
also known as Travydude at the PA! forums with a whole batch
of new attacks. Remember! If you have any original attacks that you want to have featured in the Attack Archive then please send them to |
Topps Doesn't Stop |
Other Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
After the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series of their semi-popular Pokemon TCG game it looks like Topps is at it again! They are going to be making a whole new series devoted to the good Pokemon from the Johto region. The set size is about 90 cards. The website doesn't have any information on this new set but they have great information on the older sets. The Topps Pokemon TCG isn't as popular as the WoTC Pokemon TCG but I have occasionally seen some people sticking em' in with their collection. Although you can't battle with them you can always stare at them......well maybe not but you should check the website found here. Hopefully, they will update their Page with new information regarding their new "Johto Journey" TCG set. |
Up, Up, and Awaaaay! With My Beautiful Fakes! |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Well, another day of fake cards for you all. Hoo hah! Today's cards are Ledyba and Ledian.
Here's a fun little contest for you (no prize involved)..... how many Ledyba are in the Ledyba picture? Look REALLY closely. I can have a desktop image for you if you need it. .... Now you want to talk about a card that works well with itself, well here's the one. Ledyba's Swarm power gives it extra HP for each other Ledyba on the bench. Then you've got it's Warning Call attack, which lets you plop more Ledyba on your bench. You can get 60 HP easily! Ledian puts the "all" in "allies"! It's Support attack can have you smackin' down 70 damage a turn. But unlike Wigglytuff, the Support attack IS balanced. ... Then better yet, if you lack a bench, you can use Poisonmist to do a little extra damage and a chance of Poison, without having to bother adding energy or whatever else. As always, stop by tomorrow for s'more fake cards |
Thursday, March 1st, 2001 |
Posted by: Nick15 |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: Oh, just a reminder.... the X Expansion is PMX's creation, not mine (Nick15). I don't know how many email I got saying "I know you're busy with the X Expansion and all, but..." (@_@) Also kids, each time you visit my site, I will send you $40! (Checks will not be honored.) [Don't fall for this little quirk.] |
More Fakes! |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Uhm.... yeah! Today's cards are Sentret and Furret.
Sentret is as useful as a common could get. At least Tail Smack has some use. If you can get lucky, this attack can do 30 damage and paralyzation for only 2 energy. ;) Now Furret here... THIS is the real fun card. Your opponent would have to add extra Gusts to get rid of this sucka. Why? Because of Furret's Nest Power. If a Pokémon has an HP of 80 or higher, it can't do damage to it. No more Wiggly, no more Blastoise, no more Rocket's Zapdos, or any other tough powered Pokémon! That's because it's nest, as suggested by it's flavor text, is way too small for big Pokémon to enter. ... Plus it's Burrow attack, 40 for 2 energy, can be a major pain to anyone with any lower HP Pokémon. ;) Hoo hah! .... Stop by tomorrow for more fakes. ;) |
Wednesday, February 28th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: |
A Message from Tyais |
Other Info - 12 Midnight PST |
In reaction to WoTC's decision to ban 15+ year olds from the STS, former PokeGym Webmaster and current WizPog administrator Tyais has issued a statement regarding few ways in which you can help!
Heh, looks like I should not have made that Petition after all...oh well, every little bit counts. |
1x + 1x = 2 X Expansion Cards |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
1x + 1x = 2 X Expansion Cards! Ah, nothing like good ol' Algebra to start the mind thinking. Any way, I hope you will like today's fakes. Today's Cards are X Attack and Headache.
X Attack is able to do up to an additional 20 damage instead of the usual 10 by Plus Power. This card kind of makes Plus Power obsolete in a way, heck I would rather stick 3 of these in my deck instead of plus powers. Headache is Perfect for a Stall deck! It prevents your opponent from attacking on his/her next turn. Originally I was going to have it so that it would do 10 damage and prevent your opponent from attacking on his/her Tomorrow, I will have Pikachu Doll and Ledyba. |
2 New Mayakashi Edition Fakes |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Freeze my arse off here... Today's cards are Swinub and Piloswine.
Swinub and Piloswine, interesting type shifters here. Hmmmm... Swinub here is a useful tech Pokémon. It's not as "newbie" minded as you may think. Sure it has two attack and the both do the same, however that's the deal there. You can use this in both Water and Fighting decks, and it'll still do damage. Better yet, as opposed to colorless attacks that do a mere 10 damage, just drop a Water or Fighting energy and do 20 damage. Flexability is a player's dream. ;) Piloswine really should be a rare, but it isn't. Winter's Grasp will chop 10 HP from all non-Water Pokémon. No if's, and's, or but's. The Snovalanche attack is quite useful when you want to nix a card... ANY card. Is that Defender in your way? What about that pesky energy card? Bump it off with this. (Eratta: You can't discard a Evolution card with Snovalanche.)(Note: One mistake is noted, "max HP" should be "maximum HP".) As for each Pokémon's weakness, considering that they're both Ice Pokémon, it would make sense to give them fire weakness. They're melting.... melting...! (^_^) OK, stop by again tomorrow for more Mayakashi Edition fakes. |
PA! Forums Reconstruction |
Forums - 12 Midnight PST |
Say goodbye to the PA! Forums.... Right now it's being "updated" to the Forums. Instead of making like 5 different forums for each of the sites at, I've decided to merge all of them together into one single community. So basically you don't have to move much to talk anime or politics or Pokémon, since it'll be all at your fingertips for your convienence. Right now you can witness me working on it. The PA! Forums has already began it's transistion to the Forums, however it's not totally finished yet. Because of me working on it like this, don't be alarmed at any of the changes being made. There WILL be forums being moved around and renamed and added, so keep an eye out for those changes. To see what I have planned for the new Forums, stop by That place will be the main portal to the Forums. It'll be easier to remember than the original ezBoard address. ... Speaking of which, the forums will STILL be located at, but don't let the address fool you from now on, it won't be a Pokémon only forum. One of the more interesting forums would be the Bwow Nation: Politics forum. Now you can be absolutly free to discuss all sorts of political topics, AND to talk and discuss more of the sensitive topics, like religion, etc. Now I don't have a set date when I'll have all this finished. It'll be done with I get done with it, I suppose. Give it about a week or so, at best. ... Interesting enough, this is taking place on around the 1st year anniversary of the official oppening of the PA! Forums, which occured when my server deleted itself for like the third time. But don't worry though, considering the last crash was back in July 2000 (about 7 months ago), I don't think you have anything to worry about. This server's as fit as a fiddle. ;) Enjoy! |
Tuesday, February 27th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX & Nick15 |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: Tomorrow, you can expect 3 more trainer cards X Attack, Headache and Pikachu Doll. Those will be the last of the Trainer Cards for the X Expansion. This weekend I hope to finish this set and get started with my next set sometime after March 26th. |
Special GS Gameboy |
GB Info - 12 Midnight PST |
As some of you already know, a Special GS Gameboy was released in Japan from the Pokemon Center. It had Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil on it. Nintendo has decided to release it in the USA. It is not exactly like the Japanese version but it'll do. It would have been nice if NoA could have just for once NOT used Pikachu! If they are making it a Special GS Gameboy then it should have more than one GS Pokemon on it. |
One New Card |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Today's card ties right into my Physics class with a little bit of Star Trek mixed right in. Today's Card is Antimatter Discharge.
Antimatter Discharge has the potential to cause Sleep, Confusion, Poisoning or Paralysis. I believe that there should be more cards that can do either damage or cause some sort of an effect. Tomorrow, I will have 3 of the last trainer cards in the X Expansion. |
Pre-Made Attack Archive |
Other Info - 12 Midnight PST |
Straight from the creative mind of PMX right into your graphics program! Today in Lunch I got a little bored, so I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing down attack names. Most of them were from what I learned in school. Some of the attacks on this list were taken directly from some of my cards. But you can use them any way you wish. |
Nick15's Back In the Mix |
Fake Cards - 12 Midnight PST |
Nick15 here, back with some classic PA! fake cards from my Mayakashi Edition. Hoo hah! Today's card is Heracross.
Heracross lives up to it's Bug/Fighting type. Since I'm here to try different things all the time, I made Heracross into a Fighting type! Whoo... Next to it's unusual (yet totally with the game) Weakness, Heracross also has a very unique yet balanced attack. .... Auto Paralyzation! What's the down side? Heracross becomes confused. Sure the attack is good the first time around, but that Confusion can become a neusence. ;) As for the picture, this is one of my usual rush jobs. Didn't bother much on doing the shading right or working on the background or anything... sla. Also the card is much lighter now so that it'll look better on PC monitors... yet still pretty good on Mac monitors. Actually for some odd reason, it being lighter like this on my Mac monitor makes it look more realistic than before. Maybe it's my eyes or something. Hmmmm.... Tomorrow, I'll have some more fakes, so stay tuned. |
Monday, February 26th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: Nick15 sez: ALL YOURBASE AREBELONG TO US ..... Also, a few PA!5 surprizes. 1: Updates to the Fan Made Fake Card section, with all the really cool new stuff you sent me. (Remember, send your fan made fakes to!). 2: In light of the new "Light" type Pokémon seen in Neo 4, PA!5 will have a whole set of them made up. And by whole set I mean in Regular American, Gym, and Neo styles (that's a lot of work). Now even though I'm sick of making new blanks, I would rather stay on the ball of what Japan or the US dishes out rather than lag behind. 3to (if I make Light blanks, I might as well keep the ball rolling and do the rest). 4: An amazing Mayakashi Edition surprize you'd never thought possible... but it happens. ;) In the mean time, I will have updates to the Classic border'd American and Gym style Steel and Dark Blanks. The ones I have were made before Neo, and since Neo has been out for a GREAT while, I've decided to redo them. Speaking of blanks, I've updated the REST of them to that they're better looking on PC monitors. Finally, you can use the Steel and Trainer blanks without having to worry about them being too dark. ;) Ok, for great justice, move "Zig". |
Movie Promo Theory |
TCG Info - Midnight 12:00 |
After yesterdays post about there only being one promo for the next Pokemon movie I think people kind of got a little disappointed...I did get a few emails about what was given out in Japan. Here is an interesting email I got from
Well, at least we get Holo card! I really hope this is true because I sure could use an Entei Holo to put into my collection! I am sure that the promo will show up on eBay in a few weeks.... I also got some nice pictures of the movie promos that were given out in Japan. Click Here to See them (Thanks to and Legendary I think that those cards will be translated and given out as Promos for the Pokemon League or possibly a promo given out in Pokemon Stadium 2. |
2 New Fakes |
Fake Cards - Midnight 12:00 |
I got 2 new trainer cards for ya'll ! Again, they are fairly simple...didn't want to get too complex or else the text on the card would be too long. Today's Cards are Resurrection and The Big Bang.
Resurrection is a very useful card because normally when you would use a plain old revive it would only bring back your Pokemon with 50% of its HP. With this nice little card you get all of your HP back! The Big Bang is based off a Magic: The Gathering spell card. All it does is do 20 damage to on of your opponents Pokemon but cannot be used to knock out the Pokemon. For instance, if I had a Pichu as my active Pokemon and my opponent had a Pikachu. I use 2 Big Bangs but one of them will not count. Only 20 damage will be done to the Pokemon you are attacking. I might just have one new fake tomorrow but I would rather concentrate on getting more "To Be A Fake Master" sections up. So look forward to tomorrow's fake card making tool! |
Kanto Pokemon Gallery |
Other Info - Midnight 12:00 |
After hours and hours of downloading and downloading I have finally completed the Ken Sugimori Pokemon Picture Gallery! Now nobody needs to go on the internet for hours and hours searching for pictures for their fake Pokemon Cards. Instead, just come right here to PA! To all you aspiring artists! If you have artwork and you want it to be featured in our art gallery then just email it right on over to and I will be glad to put it up. Remember, make sure its okay if some people use your pictures in their fake cards or on their websites. Gallery Pictures will be updated by me every Saturday update, so send them before Friday to guarantee that they will be added to our database. |
Entei Promo Found |
TCG Info - Midnight 12:00 |
Many of you may remember the Neo 2 Promo Folder that was handed out a while ago in Japan. I would say that WoTC is going to use this one as the Promo for the 3rd Pokemon Movie. Thanks to for sending this to me. Check out his website ! It's either this or the other one from the Neo 3 Set. They might do the one from Neo 3 because it is not reverse Holo, but the question still remains....if they use the one from the Neo 2 Promo Folder will it be Reversed Holo? Only time will tell. |
WoTC Petition! |
Other Info - Midnight 12:00 |
I have received multiple emails about how this Petition will do nothing but I am still going to do it because I believe that every little part counts. I think that this is very important and what Wizards is doing is wrong and no matter what, I will never stop trying to convince WoTC that they are doing the wrong thing until the day that they let us 15 Year Olds Play Again! I have also added the link to the Daily Reminders Section. |
Sunday, February 25th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for
Today... Comments: Anyway, I got a GREAT update for ya today! Its just gigantic. Tomorrow the Kanto Pokemon Gallery should be up as well as 2 new fake cards. |
WoTC Bans 15+ Players |
TCG Info - Midnight 12:00 |
I would have never thought that WoTC Would EVER go this far but they have...they have decided to BAN all 15+ TCG Players from the East Coast Super Trainer Showdown AND The Pokemon League Mall Tour. I cannot begin to describe the anger I felt towards WoTC when I heard this. This is a serious act of discrimination against Teenagers. WoTC probably gets a lot of their sales from 15+ players because they have a lot of money. I am 16 and I normally buy boxes from local card shops for about 75$ each. Because of this horrible act against teens I predict that WoTC WILL lose a lot of money this year. Teens do produce a lot of revenue for WoTC with Magic and Pokemon. Tomorrow there will be a petition for everyone to sign! Even if you are younger than 15 years of age you should still sign it if you think that Wizards is not doing the right thing. |
Pokemon 4: The Movie |
Misc. Info - Midnight 12:00 |
Could it even be possible? There is a rumor going around that Pokemon 4: The Movie will be coming out a few months after Pokemon 3: The Movie. I really don't think that 4Kids would do 2 movies so close together. December, in my opinion, is one of the worst months to release a movie. People are always busy doing Christmas shopping and whatnot. 4Kids and Nintendo just might use their heads for once and release the movie in January or February of next year. |
Important Release Dates |
Other Info - Midnight 12:00 |
Here is a complete list of
Pokemon Related releases for the next year...
2001 Sure will be a great year for Pokemon! |
2 New Fake Cards |
Fake Cards - Midnight 12:00 |
After a short vacation the X Expansion is back with 2 hot new cards. Today's cards are
Pikachu and X Defense.
These are 2 cards I whipped up in under an hour so they aren't the best in the world. Pikachu's "Negative" Ion attack may be weak, but I like it because it does damage and Paralyzes your opponent. Another Fairly simple card, X Defense, prevents up to 40 damage to your Pokemon. Basically like 2 Defense's. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have Resurrection and The Big Bang. So stay tuned! Same PA! Place, Same PA! Channel. |
Pokemon 3 Promo |
TCG Info - Midnight 12:00 |
The Promo for the Third Pokemon Movie in the USA will be Entei unfortunately that will be the only promo. Nintendo Power has confirmed this in the February issue. What I do not understand is why they would make four Promos for the last 2 movies and only one for this one! If anyone has any information about the promos given out in Japan for the 3rd Pokemon Movie please Email Me. You will get credit and a big thanks from me! |
Saturday, February 24th, 2001 |
Posted by: PMX |
PA! v4.6.2 |
Here's What's New for Today... Johto Picture
Gallery Up! / Ken Sugimori would be proud Comments: On another note, Nick and I are thinking of setting up a PA! Chatroom using a special chatroom feature on his server. In case any of you don't have AIM (Like PNB) you will still be able to join in on all the fun! |
Johto Picture Gallery Up! |
Fake Cards - Midnight 12:00 |
The fine artwork of Ken Sugimori has FINALLY been compiled into one page! I have recently been working my butt off to get up all 100 Johto Pokemon in the new Picture Gallery. These pics can be used for your website, fake card, or anything else you want to use them for. All these images were downloaded from Tomorrow I will have the original 151 Pokemon up in the Pic. Gallery. A Shrine to Ken Sugimori |
Pokemon Stadium 2 Movie |
Game Info. - Midnight 12:00 |
Ooooh! Seems Nintendo went and made themselves a Commercial for Pokemon Stadium and a cool new Trailer for the game at The commercial is actually quite funny! There is a kid who keeps saying "Is it here yet" (referring to Pokemon Stadium 2) And the Cashier eventually gives up and hands him a big poster with all 251 Pokemon on it! It looks like that you might be getting one of these posters when you buy Pokemon Stadium 2. Don't forget to buy it when it comes out in March! Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a GB Pack for the N64 controller....dang, I could really use and extra one. |
PA! Reaches 500,000 Hits! |
Site Info. - Midnight 12:00 |
This day is a Milestone in PA! History. We have finally reached... That sure is a heck of a lot of hits. I am so happy that I get to experience this wonderful moment in PA! history. Our next goal will be ONE MILLION. Hopefully I will be here to experience that moment as well. If anyone can provide legitimate proof that they were the 500,000th hit then they will have their name featured on PA! tomorrow. And I CAN tell if you are faking it because I can check the IP address of the Email. The counter that nick uses lets me see the IP address for every person who goes to PA! |
New Metropolitan Master Needed! |
Fake Cards - Midnight 12:00 |
Recently, one of our staff members named David Klug (KlugD ad the PA! Forums) has been having some problems at home and he needs your help ! He needs someone to temporally take charge of the PA! Metropolitan Masters set. I am not sure on the details of the job but if you are interested then pleas email Dave - Nick and I will look forward to working with the person he chooses. |
Text and Information
© 1999-2000 by Philippe Van Lieu and/or respectable
partners. Uh... I feel, that this has given me the most incredible and wonderful thing that I have ever been given and also, th-the worst. It-it's a mixed bag. It- uh... I have been taken to the- absolutly to the depths of extreme terror by this. I've had my whole soul undermined by it.... on the one hand. On the other hand, uh.. in one sence, my-uh.. my experiece has been about finding joy... joy... joy.. joy.. joy... joy... joy... joy... joy... joy... |